Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fun in the Tunnel

At our last scout camp out, the leaders wouldn't let us play with fire at camp cause it was too dry. So we waited till they, and the younger scouts, went to bed, then five of us went into a near by rain water run off tunnel and did this. Enjoy the vidoes.

So this is a pretty basic, just spraying starting fluid on an open flame. But it looks cool.

This one is more starting fluid, but it looks even cooler than last time.

Here is a tennis ball covered in rubbing alcohol. Looks really cool when it rolls down the hill.

Yes my hand is on fire, no it doesn't hurt (that much).

We tried to blow up a can of hairspray (that was really stupid) thankfully it didn't work, but the snake effect in the beginning is cool.

Welcome to the tunnel.

Lighter in a fire, what do you think is going to happen?

What to do with the empty rubbing alcohol container? Don't worry, Topper is okay.

So, this was our finale. I poured at least half a bottle of alcohol on the floor, but the fire didn't spread across all of it, so it wasn't that impressive. The explosion is still pretty cool, though

1 comment:

Unknown said...

doug I love the Welcome to the Tunnel song.